Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Optimism - Chance or Choice?

What do you think? Is optimism more chance or choice? Many of you know that I'm a "glass a little more than half full" kind of gal. I get the distinct impression that people think that I was just born this way.

Sometimes I think (know) I'm abnormal, because I don't freak out and spiral downward when situations that look so dire for others happen to me. Others think I was just born chipper. I imagine that's part of it, but trust in God and optimism are also a choice, and eventually a habit. This may sound odd, but you can actually choose to enjoy the adventure of being broke or sick or in frustrating situations rather than to wallow in misery. I always heard that you should seek to control your circumstances rather than be controlled by them, and I've sought to grow into that concept. Of course, it's more difficult if it feels like someone hates me… that's the most difficult thing for me, but even that can be adjusted to, as hate is created in such a way that it should effect the hater far more than it effects me.

I did shed a couple of tears when I got some bad news recently, and Mike knows my positive outlook (and usually lack of tears) well enough that he asked me if they were crocodile tears - Thanks, Mike (he was teasing, btw)! They weren't, but they were fleeting. Trying to make the right choices doesn't mean that I feel differently about situations or don't understand their gravity, just that I can choose to let Jesus fill my mind with other things first, and hope later.

So this is a little sermon, and also a genuine invitation to discussion. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for the use of this picture.

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